Investigate: varroa mite (Stages 3 and 4)
A short activity to help your students understand why the detection of varroa mite at Newcastle called for a statewide emergency response.
Note: for student safety do not encourage students to handle bees.
Unlike our other Investigate activities, this activity does not include hands-on activities. Detection of varroa mite requires that bees are handled and this poses a potential risk to students. Handling bees should only be carried out by trained, experienced personnel.

This activity provides information about how we found out varroa mite are in Australia, why it’s a problem and what we are doing about it.
The most recent version of the document is dated April 2024.
If you would like a class set of Biosecurity Warrior stickers to reward students for completing this activity email with your name, mailing address and the number of stickers you would like.