Biosecurity in schools
Schools have a big part to play in protecting the biosecurity of NSW and Australia. Aside from the obvious risk to animals and plants housed in school farms, there is a huge opportunity to increase awareness in the community about protecting against, monitoring for and responding to disease outbreaks in plants and animals.
This set of resources includes an elearning module designed to be used with secondary school students, signage for school properties and information about the reporting process if something unusual is observed.
Biosecurity is a shared responsibility - we all have a role to play and we can all be affected by outbreaks of disease in our primary industries.
On this page:
Elearning module
Signs for school farms
Keep you school community informed about ways to keep your farm free from disease. Clicking the image below will download a zipped file of the poster set.
Reporting animal concerns
If you see something unusual in your school farm animals or pets, reporting is the best way to check if it something to be concerned about. And, if it turns out to be a disease, the earlier it is found the better chance we have of fighting it.
Click on the images below to access a decision-making tool (poster) and form for reporting your concerns.

Background to the project and reports
These resources are the result of an extensive consultation with NSW schools and ways that we can support their involvement in and awareness of the biosecurity threats to NSW.
A full report on the project is available.
Click on the image below to view an infographic summary of the project.